Have a perfect smile!

Pediatric dentistry


Tooth Filling

A filling is used to treat a small hole, or cavity, in a tooth. To fill the decayed cavity, a dentist removes the decayed tooth tissue and then fills the space with a filling material. Fillings help to restore the tooth surfaces that have already been damaged by  tooth  decay  from  decaying  any  further.

Root canal treatments for child

A root canal procedure is performed by our kid’s dentist to remove the diseased pulp in the child’s tooth. The pulp is tissue present in all teeth. The pulp tissue contains nerves and blood vessels which fill out the roots of the tooth. Root canal treatment is a safe and effective procedure to stop tooth pain, and to keep a tooth from being lost due to decay or injury.   


Habit Breakers

Habit breakers do exactly what their name implies — they help patients break or stop a dysfunctional habit, like sucking thumbs or placing the tongue in between the front teeth. A habit-breaking appliance for children is completely painless to get put on and it doesn’t hurt to wear.